Spreadsheet Instructions
You can either download the template to enter your names, sizes, and other details, OR you can upload your own spreadsheet. If you upload your own spreadsheet, it must be formatted with exact column headers as detailed below.
All column headers need to be in this order: First Name, Last Name, Style, Color, Size, and Quantity.

You can find your style and color options located on the order form if you scroll past “Upload your spreadsheet here for FREE bag and tag.”

Enter your sizes as SM, MD, LG, XL, 2X, 3X or Small, Medium, Large, Xlarge, 2Xlarge, 3Xlarge in the size columns. S, M, L, etc. are not allowed.

If someone orders two different sizes, styles, or colors, they need to be on separate rows. For example, if Jane Doe orders a 1717 White in MD and 1717 White in LG those would be entered twice on different rows.

If you don’t want to submit a list, you can type in your quantities for each of your style or color options located on the order form if you scroll past “Upload your spreadsheet here for FREE bag and tag.”

Still can’t get your spreadsheet to upload? Chat us in the chat box or give us a call at 918-728-6157